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Inguma's exploit modules are designed to prove the existance of faulty software and/or configurations.  In conjunction with these exploits a payload will be assigned.  Payloads will also be covered in this section since they operate in tandem.  For example, you may specify a payload after executing the sidvault exploit.

Exploits - As of release 0.0.6
autofuzzA module which automatically fuzzes the target
ftpdwdosHummingbird FTPD preauth remote DoS
ftpfuzzSimple FTP fuzzer which fuzzes based on libftp extensions
sidvaultA Remote buffer overflow for SIDVault LDAP Servers
spoolssdosA memory allocation DoS affecting various versions of Windows
wksdosA memory allocation DoS affecting various versions of Windows
orainject1Exploit based on a post-authorization SQL injection
orainject2Post-auth SQL injection exploit
orainject3Post-auth SQL injection exploit
orainject4Post-auth SQL injection exploit
orainject5Post-auth SQL injection exploit
orainject6Post-auth SQL injection exploit
orainject7Post-auth SQL injection exploit
orainject8Post-auth SQL injection exploit
orainject9Post-auth SQL injection exploit

autofuzz -
Coming Soon

ftpdwdos -
Coming Soon

ftpfuzz -
Coming Soon

sidvault -
Coming Soon

spoolssdos -
Coming Soon

wksdos -
Coming Soon

orainject1 -
Coming Soon

orainject2 -
Coming Soon

orainject3 -
Coming Soon

orainject4 - 
Coming Soon

orainject5 -
Coming Soon

orainject6 -
Coming Soon

orainject7 -
Coming Soon

orainject8 -
Coming Soon

- Coming Soon

~Wiki Quick Links
Discovery Modules - Gather Modules - Fuzzing Modules - Brute Force Modules - Exploits
Inguma Documentation Home

Questions and comments regarding application development and collaboration should be directed to joxeankoret[AT]yahoo[DOT]es
Comments and input regarding documentation should be directed to Andrew.Brooks85[AT]gmail[DOT]com